Provides a more detailed description of how to interpret each item in the JPEGView Statistics window. Explains JPEGView’s options for saving images. Provides an explanation of JPEGView’s use of color as well as a brief explanation of the Macintosh video model and of dithering. Describes the various viewing options available in the View menu, including full screen windows and cropped images. Describes the process of viewing images, including explanations of fast and slow window updating. Provides a short summary of the new features in JPEGView Version 2.0. Gives a brief overview of JPEGView’s features. Quits the JPEGView application, closing all open windows. Allows you to change the way JPEGView usually works. Allows you to set up and begin JPEGView’s automatic slide show. Saves the current JPEG image in either PICT, JFIF, or PICT0 format. Not available because the active window does not contain a JPEG image. Saves the current JPEG image in either PICT, JFIF, or PICT0 format. Closes all open image windows, but leaves the help and statistics windows alone. Not available because there are no open image windows. Closes all open image windows, but leaves the help and statistics windows alone. Closes the currently active window. Not available because there are no windows open. Closes the currently active window. Opens a new image, regardless of what type the Finder thinks it is. Opens a new JPEG, JFIF, GIF, or PICT image. This item is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen. File menu This menu is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen. File menu This menu is not available because JPEGView is busy. File menu Use this menu to open, close, and save files, as well as to access JPEGView’s slide show and preferences options. Selects a screen-sized area of the active image for cropping. Not available because this is not applicable to the active image or in a full screen window. Selects a screen-sized area of the active image for cropping. This item is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen. Edit menu This menu is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen. Edit menu Not available because the options in this menu are not applicable to the active image or in a full screen window. Edit menu Use this menu to select a screen-sized area of your image for cropping. Not available because JPEGView does not support this function. Turns off dithering for the active window. Turns on dithering for the active window. Not available because dithering is unnecessary in the active window. Turns on dithering for the active window. The palette for the active window is currently JPEGView’s optimal palette, calculated by using two-pass quantization. Changes the palette for the active window to the JPEGView’s optimal palette, calculated by using two-pass quantization. Not available because two-pass quantization is not applicable to this window. Changes the palette for the active window to the JPEGView’s optimal palette, calculated by using two-pass quantization. If this calculation has not been done for the active window, it must first be performed before the palette change can be made. The palette for the active window is currently the image’s own internally-defined palette. Changes the palette for the active window to the image’s own internally-defined palette. Not available because there is no such palette for the image in this window. Changes the palette for the active window to the image’s own internally-defined palette. The palette for the active window is currently the Finder’s usual greyscale palette. Changes the palette for the active window to the Finder’s usual greyscale palette. Not available because this palette is not applicable to the active window. Changes the palette for the active window to the Finder’s usual greyscale palette. The palette for the active window is currently the Finder’s usual color palette. Changes the palette for the active window to the Finder’s usual color palette. Not available because the active window contains no image. Changes the palette for the active window to the Finder’s usual color palette. This item is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen. Colors menu This menu is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen. Colors menu Not available because the active window does not contain an image. Colors menu Use this menu to select a new color palette or to turn dithering on or off. Brings up JPEGView’s online help window. Brings up JPEGView’s online help window.